How has post-pandemic changed the logistics industry?
Employee Training
Byadmin-hubtek |
13 October, 2022 |

How has post-pandemic changed the logistics industry? In this blog our experts talk about it!

2020 was a year that we will never forget. It was a year of change, uncertainty, and a lot of learning. Industries had to adapt to these changes, acting with resilience and commitment to go through this situation successfully. According to the DHL website, “Due to the challenges that the industry has faced in the wake of COVID-19, it has shifted the perspectives of logistics and supply chain industries for the future in the following areas: technologies that are essential to enable better logistics operations, investments in the supply chain, initiatives to elevate labor tightness, and sustainability”.

We spoke with experts in our company, and this is what they had to say: 

Elizabeth Velez, our COO, considers that the pandemic was what we needed to have happen in our logistics industry to help us step out of our comfort zones and together, work with resilience and make it a stronger industry. She says that for years, most didn’t consider that technology was applicable to logistics on all levels, but only to the big fishes of the industry. Today, we realize that technology is all we need to move forward and achieve growth levels that we could never have thought of before. 

She states that although in the early days of the shutdown, nothing was known and there was a lot of anxiety, it confirmed that logistics is needed in almost all, if not all levels of trade and commerce; and we never stopped. We just learned how to do what we do with what we had. This shows how passionate we are about our roles, and today we are so much better than we were before COVID. We found new ways to work and realized that working from home was a benefit for some, that learned technology is key to supporting our information and processes, and we experienced a lot of growth from our people as we enhanced our skills and learned new ones. 

She concludes by saying, “I believe the outcome of logistics after having gone through this pandemic is that we are building a stronger and more efficient industry and are capable of managing it all with lower costs, better service, and improved performance”. 

Finally, we spoke with Ricardo Gonzalez, our CEO. He argues that 2020 was the year to remember. It was the year where companies tested their resiliency and ability to adapt fast to a new way of working, especially in the supply chain sector. Companies learned how to deal with tumultuous challenges, like entire teams having to be relocated to work from home in a matter of days, while simultaneously coping with an unprecedented demand for goods that needed to move quickly to their buyers. 

He thinks that we’re still facing the aftermath of the giant tsunami that tested us in 2020, and we’ll have to survive and thrive in a rare environment where record high inflation, economic growth deceleration and low unemployment mix into a hard-to-tame monster. He concludes by saying that “businesses related to supply chain will need to keep embracing technology as a necessity and not as a “wish to have”, as well as create new revenue channels, strengthen stakeholder relationships and optimize their workforce to become highly efficient organizations”. 

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Based on our expert’s points of view, what have you learned from the Covid-19 pandemic? Let us know. 

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